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Contribuez à créer des couples légendaires et gagnez un week-end romantique à Florence !
Belovy lance un projet inédit : collecter les dates de naissance de 500 couples heureux et durables (ensemble depuis 5 ans ou plus) pour percer les mystères des relations qui fonctionnent.
Pourquoi ce projet ?
En 1705, Edmond Halley a prouvé que les comètes, autrefois perçues comme imprévisibles, suivaient un schéma mesurable. De la même manière, Belovy adopte une approche scientifique pour la compatibilité relationnelle. En étudiant les couples heureux et en utilisant les éphémérides de la NASA, Belovy identifie des alignements astrologiques récurrents favorisant l’harmonie.
Avec cette méthode, Belovy révèle les forces invisibles qui façonnent les vraies relations, transformant les rencontres en un processus prévisible et fondé sur les données.
Pourquoi participer ?
💫 Contribuez à une recherche intrigante en matière de matchmaking.
💖 Aidez-nous à mieux comprendre les schémas des couples heureux.
🎁 Gagnez un week-end à Florence, la ville de l’amour et de l’art !
Nous savons que l’astrologie seule ne fait pas tout, mais nos recherches montrent que les positions planétaires au moment de la naissance jouent un rôle dans la réussite d’une relation.
Qui peut participer ?
✔ Tout couple heureux, ensemble depuis au moins 5 ans.
Comment participer ?
C’est simple ! Remplissez le formulaire avant le 31 décembre 2025 :
🔒 Confidentialité garantie : Vos données restent strictement privées et ne seront jamais revendues.
📜 Consulter le règlement du concours
À propos de Belovy
Fondée à Montréal en 2023, Belovy s’est donné pour mission de résoudre le plus grand défi du monde des rencontres (le Saint Graal) : prédire la chimie entre deux personnes. Nous croyons que les histoires de couples heureux et l’astrologie (au-delà des simples signes du zodiaque), combinées aux technologies avancées, sont les meilleurs outils pour anticiper la compatibilité naturelle et l’affinité à long terme.
Ces deux dernières années, nous avons étudié les dates de naissance de couples célèbres et heureux, révélant comment certaines configurations planétaires influencent la compatibilité. Grâce aux éphémérides de la NASA, nous avons développé un algorithme puissant capable de traiter des millions de possibilités.
Help Create Legendary Couples and Win a Romantic Weekend in Florence!
Belovy is launching a groundbreaking project: collecting the birth dates of 500 happy and long-lasting couples (together for at least five years) to uncover the secrets of successful relationships.
Why This Project?
In 1705, Edmond Halley proved that comets, once seen as unpredictable, followed a measurable pattern. Similarly, Belovy applies a scientific approach to relationship compatibility. By studying happy couples and using NASA’s ephemerides, Belovy identifies recurring astrological alignments that foster harmony.
With this method, Belovy unveils the invisible forces behind true relationships, turning matchmaking into a data-driven, predictable process.
Why Participate?
💫 Contribute to a fascinating matchmaking research project.
💖 Help us better understand the patterns of happy couples.
🎁 Win a romantic weekend in Florence, the city of love and art!
We know that astrology alone doesn’t explain everything, but our research shows that planetary positions at birth play a role in relationship success.
Who Can Participate?
✔ Any happy couple who has been together for at least five years.
How to Participate?
It’s simple! Fill out the form before December 31, 2025:
🔒 Privacy guaranteed: your data will never be sold or shared.
About Belovy
Founded in Montreal in 2023, Belovy is on a mission to solve the ultimate challenge in the dating world (the Holy Grail): predicting chemistry. We believe that the success stories of happy couples, astrology (beyond just zodiac signs), and advanced technology are the best tools to anticipate natural compatibility and long-term affinity.
Over the past two years, we have studied the birth dates of famous and happy couples, revealing how certain planetary configurations influence compatibility. Using NASA’s ephemeris, we have developed a powerful algorithm capable of processing millions of possibilities.
The “Happy Couple Study” contest (hereinafter referred to as “the Contest”) is organized by Belovy (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”).
The Contest is open to residents of Quebec who are 18 years or older, have a partner, and consent to sharing their birth dates to help improve the Belovy compatibility algorithm. Employees of Belovy Inc., as well as anyone residing in their household, are not eligible.
The Contest begins on February 14, 2025, and ends on June 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM (Quebec time).
To enter, couples must:
Complete the registration form available on the website: www.belovy.com
Submit their birth dates and answer a few questions about their relationship.
Accept the Contest’s terms and conditions.
No purchase necessary. Only one entry per couple is allowed.
One (1) winning couple will be randomly drawn from all eligible entries and will receive:
A romantic weekend in Florence, Italy, including:
* Round-trip economy class airfare for two (2).
* Three (3) nights of hotel accommodation.
* One (1) romantic dinner for two.
* A professional photoshoot.
Approximate prize value: $3,000 CAD.
The prize is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, and cannot be redeemed for cash.
One (1) winning couple will be selected by random draw from all eligible entries.
The draw will take place on August 1, 2025, at 6:00 PM at the Belovy office.
The winner will be contacted by email and/or phone within 48 hours after the draw.
To claim the prize, winners must respond within five (5) days and provide proof of identity, including their birth date.
As required by Quebec law, the winner must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question.
If the winner does not respond within the allotted time or does not meet the conditions, a new draw will be conducted.
By participating, couples authorize Belovy to use their first names, a brief description of their love story, and a couple’s photo in relation to the Contest (e.g., website and social media posts).
Personal information collected will only be used for this Contest and will not be sold or shared.
Belovy is not responsible for technical errors, incomplete entries, or transmission issues.
Belovy reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the Contest if necessary.
This Contest complies with the Quebec Advertising Contest Act. Any questions regarding the application of these rules may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec.
For any inquiries, please contact us at : support@belovy.com